Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Kitchen is DONE!!!

It's not as done as it's gonna get. It's not done for now. It is DONE! Here are the things we have done to finally complete the kitchen that we've been working on since last summer (or really since we moved in last February):

  • Built and installed a new shelf to go alongside the cabinets on the sink side of the kitchen, as well as one to store my spices for cooking above the stove.

  • Added crown moulding to the tops of the cabinets. Gary did the carpentry work, and I did the painting.

  • Put in new matching countertops for the sink and stove areas.

  • Intalled new white porcelain one-single tub sink along with a new Victorian-style fawcet.

  • Added a new backsplash. I don't know what it's called but it's kinda like vinyl, but it looks like tin.

  • Finished painting the dreaded brick wall. What a pain, but well worth it.

  • Lastly, finished hanging all the tin signs, antique pots, vintage utensils, etc. I've been collecting on ebay, antique shops, etc.

I feel like I have the kitchen of my dreams!

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